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Fullness under the chin, or a ‘double chin’, is a common concern for both men and women. It may be related to genetics, it can develop naturally as we age, or it can appear due to weight changes. Sometimes, no matter how much we exercise, it may not ever go away. Belkyra® is a FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the area under the chin. Belkyra® contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which imitates our body’s naturally occurring deoxycholic acid. When injected under the chin, it works by bursting the fat cells and these cells are then removed by the body’s natural repair system. A minimum of 2 treatments is required, spaced approximately 6 weeks apart.


Depending on your desired outcome, further treatments may be necessary, but in most cases 2–3 treatments is all that is required. For further information and to find out if Belkyra® is right for you, speak to us today.

Here is Fiona's story:

“I have for as long as I can remember had concerns about my double chin.  It was always what I saw first in the mirror and it really bothered me. Hearing about Belkyra®, I got quite excited as I realised this could be the perfect treatment for eliminating my double chin once and for all so I decided to make an appointment.   Not really knowing what to expect, I arrived at Peak Appearance a little bit nervous to be honest.  I thought it would be painful, and that I might need to hide away from my daily life for a while to recover.


The procedure itself didn’t take long.  The cosmetic nurse took her time to ensure the injection grid (also known as facial mapping) was in the right position to provide the best possible result, and then the area to be treated was numbed with local anaesthetic.  There were a few little stings initially but it wasn’t too uncomfortable at all.  Throughout the treatment I felt really well cared for and safe.  I was surprised with how straight forward the treatment actually was. 


My chin began to swell almost immediately which the nurse reassured me is very normal and means the treatment is working. The area felt numb and swollen for about an hour, but by the next morning that feeling was gone and what I had instead was a rather wobbly double chin.


No one seemed to notice my chin was more swollen than usual, so I carried on with daily life as normal. Over the next few days the swelling reduced, and before long it was barely swollen at all.  My double chin changed from being wobbly to becoming quite firm; this firmness then slowly disappeared over the next few weeks.


6-weeks later I had my second treatment.  I was less nervous this time and excited to be able to see further improvements following this treatment!  Although much less than the first time, I did experience swelling. I reminded myself that this post-treatment symptom meant it was working and I decided to focus on the results I knew were ahead of me.


It is now 2 months since my second treatment and I am really pleased with the results. My chin and my jawline are much more defined and I love the way I look. Having had this treatment I feel a greater level of confidence and couldn’t be happier to have made the decision to have it done.  


I am pleased to be able to share my experience with you so you know what to expect from your own Belkyra® treatment. The treatment has meant I have been able to improve my chin without the need for liposuction or invasive surgery to correct it.  Thank you to the team at Peak Appearance… I am really delighted with my results."

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